Hill Country Erosion Fund


Nelson City Council has received funding from the Ministry for Primary Industries Hill Country Erosion Fund to plant trees on erosion-prone land, and to build knowledge in Council and the community about managing hill country sites.

In 2018, $180,000 of funding delivered a series of workshops to assist landowners in the development of Land Environment Plans, with 30,000 trees planted on private and public land. 

 A further grant of $1.2 million was received for 2019-2023 to:

  • Plant 50,000 trees per year on erosion-prone land
  • Work collaboratively with iwi owners of forestry land across the top of the South
  • Work with small forest owners to develop Forestry Environment Plans.

For more information about how you can be involved in this programme contact Asita Langi, Sustainable Land Manager, on 03 539 5564.