Election Candidates

Pre-Election Report

A Pre-Election Report is now available.

The 2016 Pre-Election Report provides information to promote public discussion about the issues facing Nelson City Council in advance of the upcoming elections.
The Report has a particular focus on how Council is performing financially. It contains financial information on Council’s performance over the last three years as well as current year information from the Annual Plan 2016/17 and forecast information for the following three years. This shows how Council is managing its finances compared to the Financial Strategy that was adopted as part of the Long Term Plan 2015-25. It also provides information on what major projects Council expects to fund over the next three years.

Nominations Received

View Candidate Nominations already received.

Election Hoardings

Prompted by questions raised at the Candidate Information presentation, the following is provided by way of clarification.

The rules governing signs for electioneering purposes are contained in the NCC Candidate Handbook (1.4MB PDF), pages 20-21.

Council’s environmental inspections team monitors and enforces the erection of signs for electioneering purposes and has clarified the interpretation of these rules.

The handbook has the rules for election hoardings split into two sections:  General Requirements and Special Areas.

The General Requirements section is informed by the Nelson Resource Management Plan Appendix 20, page 14.  This section allows for a total of 10 signs through the city per candidate.  The Candidate Handbook specifies the size, height and duration for these signs.

The Special Areas section relates to Miyazu Park (SH6) and Bishopdale Hill (Waimea Road) and is informed by a resource consent so the rules are different. The Candidate Handbook specifies the size, height and duration for these signs.  As this section is informed by a different requirement, the rules are interpreted as allowing an additional two signs (one in each of these special areas) per candidate.

Candidate for Nelson City Council

(a) Election of the mayor of Nelson City Council

(b) Election of 12 councillors of the Nelson City Council on an at large basis i.e. there are no wards.

Nelson City Council is a Unitary Authority, which means it is a territorial authority that also has the responsibility of a regional council.

Candidate for Nelson Marlborough District Health Board

Election of seven (7) members for the Nelson Marlborough District Health Board.

There are seven members to be elected at large across the DHB area, which covers the area made up Marlborough and Tasman District Councils and the Nelson City Council.

Becoming a Candidate

To be eligible to stand for election, a candidate must be:

  • A New Zealand citizen
  • Enrolled as a parliamentary elector in New Zealand

Please see the candidate handbook for exceptions to eligibility.

Nominations open on Friday 15 July 2016 and close at 12 noon on Friday 12 August 2016.

Each candidate must be nominated on the official nomination paper available during normal office hours from the following:

  • By phoning toll free number 0800 666 930
  • Nelson City Council, Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson. Ph - 03 546 0200
  • Elma Turner Library 27 Halifax Street, Nelson. Ph - 03 546 8100
  • Stoke Library, 35 Putaitai Street, Stoke. Ph - 03 546 8100
  • Nightingale Library Memorial, Beach Road, Tahunanui. Ph - 03 546 8100
  • Or by phoning the Nelson City Council on 03 546 0200
  • Or from Council’s web site from 15 July 2016.

Completion of Nomination Paper

Each nomination paper must have the consent of the candidate and be nominated by two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll for Nelson City, or in the case of candidates for the NMDHB, two electors whose names appear on the electoral roll for Nelson City, Tasman District or Marlborough District.

A candidate cannot nominate himself/herself.

Becoming a candidate costs $200 including GST.  This may be refunded, depending on how many votes the candidate receives.