Intensification Action Plan

Nelson’s Intensification Action Plan sets out Council’s actions to assist with housing intensification of its brownfield areas. Brownfield areas are areas in an urban setting that are appropriate for redevelopment.

The action plan identifies four main categories, each with its own set of actions, to help achieve increased housing intensification in Nelson. The categories are:

  • Housing preferences,
  • Regulation,
  • Infrastructure
  • Costs

The action plan will help implement the Nelson Tasman Future Development Strategy and in particular, its recommendation that a large part of the capacity sought for Nelson’s housing in the future should be by ‘building up’, i.e. through intensification of housing in key areas.

You can view and download the Intensification Action Plan for Nelson here (1.1MB PDF) (1.1MB PDF)

What is intensification?

Intensification is the practice of focusing on compact urban growth, by encouraging and enabling more housing to be created, either through the replacement or adaption of existing buildings or development of vacant land. Intensification of areas or suburbs involves a transition from lower density types of housing to include more intensive types of housing.

Intensification traditionally takes one of two forms:

Infill – where an additional dwelling(s) is added to a single site and may or may not include subdivision of the site.

Redevelopment – where an original dwelling is removed from a site and replaced with a number of attached units/apartments. This can also include the comprehensive redevelopment of multiple dwellings and sites as shown below.