Allen Chambers

Stop the nonsense

CHAMBERS Allen CouncillorMy principal place of residence is in the Nelson City Council - At Large area.

Mission (more information at

Root out sources of the unsustainable rate increases and resist Quote some staff and councillors appear to believe that it is acceptable to increase rates to beyond the affordable level for ratepayers on a fixed income. Unquote-footnote

Provide large organisation, managerial experience to mitigate Quote The ability of councillors to govern could be strengthened with further training in risk management, audit and finance, and training and experience in managing utilities such as the three waters. Unquote-footnote

Provide critical thinking to mitigate Quote The Council would benefit from a more robust business case discipline that is consistently applied to new projects. Unquote-footnote

Root out self-dealing (e.g. using your official position to secure a contract for a private company you own) and other inappropriate behaviour.

Work with business leaders and the community to develop organically adaptive solutions that are mainly driven by competitive, free enterprise.

footnote-CouncilMARK-Assessment-Report-Nelson-City-Council- 2017-FINAL.pdf

What makes Nelson so special for you?

Scenary, the small-town scene, the ocean, the vineyards, and the interesting people.

What is your vision for the city?

Council needs to focus on core services and clear a path for genuine, free enterprise to do its magic.
A thriving CBD with multiple venues of entertainment, at no net cost to the ratepayer
Independently produced concerts at little to no net cost to the ratepayer
Foster connections to the various interesting activities
Foster the creation of new interesting activities, again using little to no ratepayer funds
Attract employers offering high-value jobs to the region, again using little to no ratepayer funds
Attract world-class education and research
How do we do that?
We approach any actual producers (i.e. people with ideas, capability, capital, and demonstrable success in free enterprise) in the area and ask "How can we get government OUT of your way?"
Harness the capabilities and resources of the community.
There are many smart, capable, globally-connected people in Nelson/Tasman that wouldn't mind giving up some of their time for the greater good.