Harbour Safety Management System

The purpose of the Harbour safety management system (2.3MB PDF) (SMS) is to:
a) Provide a safe operating environment within the harbour and wider regional waters.
b) Identify all risks and establish safeguards to ensure that all identified risks are managed so far as is reasonably practicable
c) Continuously improve safety management skills of all personnel, including preparation for emergencies related to both safety and environmental protection

The Nelson City Council (Council) Harbour Safety Policy (105KB PDF) outlines the commitments and responsibilities towards maintaining maritime safety that the Council will use. The Policy:
• Provides a framework to ensure the Council meets its statutory and regulatory commitments within the waters of our region.
• Guides processes by which the harbourmaster is to undertake duties to maintain maritime safety within the waters of our region.

This Harbour Safety Plan (449KB PDF) defines individual responsibilities at Nelson City Council for maritime safety in the Tasman Bay Code Application Area in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Nelson City Council and Port Nelson Ltd (PNL) and (in draft at time of writing) the MOU between Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council.
It summarises the processes and documents that comprise the Nelson City Council Marine Safety Management System.
It describes how the Nelson City Council Marine Safety Management System  functions in conjunction with Harbour stakeholders, Nelson City Council equipment and infrastructure. It also describes how marine risks are monitored, and how their associated controls are reviewed and improved.